SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED‘s Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U21012WB2003PTC095984. This number is a key to unlocking vital information about the company, essential for business dealings and regulatory compliance.
Contact SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED via email at , or visit their registered office at 22 G T ROAD (WEST) ASANSOL West Bengal INDIA 713304 for face-to-face interactions.
Basic Information
U21012WB2003PTC095984 |
Date of Incorporation |
31-03-2003 |
Registered State |
West Bengal |
Registrar of Companies |
RoC-Kolkata |
Category |
Company Limited by Shares |
Sub Category |
Company Class |
Private |
Company Status |
Share Capital Information
Authorized Capital |
Paidup Capital |
21,258,000.00 |
Contact Information
Email ID |
Registered Office Address |
22 G T ROAD (WEST) ASANSOL West Bengal INDIA 713304 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What is the Corporate Identification Number (CIN) used for?
The CIN serves as a unique identifier for the company, essential for business-related activities and regulatory compliance.
You can reach out to SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED via email at or visit their registered office at 22 G T ROAD (WEST) ASANSOL West Bengal INDIA 713304.
- When was SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED incorporated?
SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED was officially incorporated on 31-03-2003.
- What is the difference between authorized capital and paid-up capital?
Authorized capital is the maximum value of shares that the company can issue, whereas paid-up capital is the actual value of shares that shareholders have purchased and paid for.
- Is SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED registered with the Registrar of Companies?
Yes, SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED is registered at RoC-Kolkata.
- How do I verify the authenticity of SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED?
You can verify the authenticity of SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED by checking its CIN on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs website.
- What is the status of SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED?
The current status of SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED is ACTIVE.
- Does SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED have any subsidiaries?
SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED falls under the category of and may or may not have subsidiaries.
- What is the registered address of SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED?
SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED’s registered office is located at 22 G T ROAD (WEST) ASANSOL West Bengal INDIA 713304.
- How can I find more information about SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED’s financials?
For detailed financial information, you can visit the official website of SG PULP & PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED or check their filings with the Registrar of Companies.