LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD‘s Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U18101WB1995PTC072922. This number is a key to unlocking vital information about the company, essential for business dealings and regulatory compliance.

Contact LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD via email at , or visit their registered office at 20G PARK ST KOLKATA West Bengal INDIA 700016 for face-to-face interactions.

Basic Information

CIN U18101WB1995PTC072922
Date of Incorporation 17-07-1995
Registered State West Bengal
Registrar of Companies RoC-Kolkata
Category Company Limited by Shares
Sub Category
Company Class Private
Company Status ACTIVE

Share Capital Information

Authorized Capital
Paidup Capital 4,000.00

Contact Information

Email ID
Registered Office Address 20G PARK ST KOLKATA West Bengal INDIA 700016

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the Corporate Identification Number (CIN) used for?
    The CIN serves as a unique identifier for the company, essential for business-related activities and regulatory compliance.
  • How can I contact LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD?
    You can reach out to LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD via email at or visit their registered office at 20G PARK ST KOLKATA West Bengal INDIA 700016.
  • When was LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD incorporated?
    LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD was officially incorporated on 17-07-1995.
  • What is the difference between authorized capital and paid-up capital?
    Authorized capital is the maximum value of shares that the company can issue, whereas paid-up capital is the actual value of shares that shareholders have purchased and paid for.
  • Is LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD registered with the Registrar of Companies?
    Yes, LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD is registered at RoC-Kolkata.
  • How do I verify the authenticity of LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD?
    You can verify the authenticity of LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD by checking its CIN on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs website.
  • What is the status of LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD?
    The current status of LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD is ACTIVE.
  • Does LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD have any subsidiaries?
    LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD falls under the category of and may or may not have subsidiaries.
  • What is the registered address of LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD?
    LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD’s registered office is located at 20G PARK ST KOLKATA West Bengal INDIA 700016.
  • How can I find more information about LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD’s financials?
    For detailed financial information, you can visit the official website of LAVEENO FASHIONS PVT LTD or check their filings with the Registrar of Companies.

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